I feel bad for you because you often get mistaken as just plain means. its not fair that you have to constantly remind people that , that’s only a stereotype . You often only trust few people, and you may be quiet and scared of openning up to people. There is actually a lot of hidden feelings underneath what you choose to show the world, and you’re very loyal and sweet individuals if you gain their trust.
It can be drawing having to constantly prove yourself to people .You are actually very aware of reality and the truth of everything, but you sometimes like to go into your own little world to get away from it sometimes you might even be too aware of what’s going on and it explains why you need to have your own escape.
These people analyze a lot once they’re interested could be they’re quiet of.. in the beginning . They are not ignoring you they’re just observing the whole situation because they don’t wanna fuck it up. They will open up to you once they’re interested, they will also slowly show more romantic hints. They like to ask a looooot of questions, thinks about your family or your life itself they talk easier through the phone than in real life, they will also think highly of you, they look up to you and see that you’re a person who takes they’re emotions seriously.