You don’t have to be in the good books of everyone !!!
I am THAT girl who has a ton of friends.
I am THAT girl who others think am an open book.
I am THAT girl who stays on everyone’s side coz I know what it is to lose people.
I am THAT girl who stays in every type of gangs.
I am THAT girl who studies yet not a “Nerd”, creative yet not an “artist”, knows a lot of people yet not “popular”, quiet yet not “shy”, talks a lot but not “social”.
I am THAT girl who still can’t decide what her personality is.
I am THAT girl who likes to be a guy but a girl in many things.
I am THAT girl who cares about others opinions a little too much.
I am THAT girl who wants to be like “most girls” but can’t.
I am THAT girl who gives great advices but haven’t experienced them yet.
I am THAT girl who everyone think they know but doesn’t !